FYP I LC I AAC I IZ Thank You Celebration 2021 FYP Thank You Celebration 2021 Please join the Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities for a virtual event to thank you for your dedication this semester and a token of our appreciation! First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Email(Required)FYP AffiliationFYE InstructorLearning CommunityUConn Connects MentorInnovation ZoneCampus PartnerFCCOBFYP Staff MemberOtherAre you available to attend our annual Thank You Celebration on Thursday, December 16th from 10 am - 11 am?(Required)YesNoUnsure at this timeLink to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85160228080?pwd=VWJBUWNFZjNHR05oeTgrS1Y3SDJJdz09Are you available to pick up a small token of appreciation at the Storrs campus from 9 am - 4 pm December 13th - December 16th?(Required)YesNo, will need delivered to home addressNo, will need delivered to campus officeUnsure at this timeItems will be available for pick up in ROWE 217 and ROWE 235.What is the best address to send the item?What is your campus address / office number?What was your favorite FYP I LC I AAC I IZ memory from the Fall semester?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.